
Our society was founded in 1860 with the aim of supporting fellow Swiss immigrating to and living in Philadelphia. At that time 34 Swiss compatriots felt compelled to establish an organization that would help fellow Swiss to overcome the hardship of settling in a new country. Becoming a member meant understanding the Society’s mission and supporting its goals with financial contributions and personal engagement.

A summary of the society’s activities can be found at the History link.

The society’s membership in 1960 stood at 160 and fluctuated over the following years, again reaching 150 at its 150th Anniversary in 2010.

The society meets once a year for its Annual Meeting, and the Board of Directors gathers periodically to address assistance requests and conduct general business matters.

Today, becoming a member means to stand behind the mission of the society, to support it financially, and to lend a hand wherever help is needed.


We invite you to join the SBS Philadelphia, or renew your existing membership, by clicking on the applicable online option or by downloading and mailing a paper form.