Mission statement
The object of this Society is to assist, so far as its means will permit, deserving natives of Switzerland and their descendants by gift, grants or loans of money. Should its resources permit, similar assistance may be accorded to agencies or individuals not of Swiss provenance or derivation.
December 4, 1865
The Swiss Benevolent Society of Philadelphia was founded on September 14, 1860. It began as an idea of Rudolph Koradi, the Swiss Consul of Philadelphia. The Charter of the Society, written in 1865 and amended in 1915 and 1960, states that the Society’s object is “to relieve, so far as means will permit, the urgent necessities of poor and honest natives of Switzerland, either by contributions of money and provisions, or by procuring employment for them. It is not a society for mutual assistance, but of general benevolence.” Support has been provided for orphanages and homes for the aged as well as to needy individuals. In addition, the Society has contributed funds to disaster victims throughout the world, and aided relief organizations in Switzerland during the First and Second World Wars.
In 1990, the Swiss Benevolent Society of Philadelphia joined forces with the SBS of New York, which administers the Scholarship Fund founded in 1979.
The Pellegrini Scholarship Fund, the Sonia Streuli Maguire Outstanding Scholastic Achievement Award, the Medicus Student Exchange Fund (founded in 1996) and the Zimmermann Fund (founded in 1999) support undergraduate and graduate students in our geographical area and in Switzerland.
The society celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2010 with a Gala Dinner at the Torresdale Frankford Country Club in Philadelphia. The goal of the board of directors was to make the membership grow to 150, which was met during the anniversary year.
Funds for the Society come from dues, investments and bequests. The annual meeting held in March usually takes the form of a dinner and is one of the social activities sponsored by the Society. Members and their guests are always welcome.
The Swiss Benevolent Society of Philadelphia and its members, along with other area Swiss Societies, continues to be an active organization.
The Society is a Non-Profit Organization [501(c) (3)] and donations are very much appreciated.
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Related links
- SBS Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SBSPhilly
- International Bundesbrief Society: www.bundesbrief.org
- Maurice Rohrbach Fund | Swiss-American Cultural Exchange: www.mauricerohrbachfund.org
- The New Helvetic Society, Pennsylvania Chapter: www.myswissclub.org
- "Swiss in Philadelphia" Facebook: www.facebook.com/swissinphiladelphia
- Consulate General of Switzerland in New York: www.swissconsulatenyc.org
- Embassy of Switzerland & Swiss representations in the U.S.: https://www.eda.admin.ch/countries/usa/en/home.html
- General information on Switzerland: www.switzerland.com, www.aboutswitzerland.org
- Government: www.admin.ch
- Heritage: www.theswisscenter.org
- Presence Switzerland (PRS): www.fdfa.admin.ch/presenceswitzerland
- Scholarships: www.sbsny.org
- Swiss American Historical Society: https://www.swiss-american-historical-society.org/
- Swiss news worldwide: www.swissinfo.org
- swissnex network for science and technology: www.swissnex.org
- Tourism: www.myswitzerland.com
- Trade and investment: www.s-ge.com
Legal information
The Swiss Benevolent Society of Philadelphia (SBS Philadelphia) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Donations to the SBS Philadelphia are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
The tax identification number of the SBS Philadelphia is 23-6275599.